It all started when...

founder Sasha Herman watched as a big, bright, smiley-faced beach ball transformed an otherwise average business meeting into a jam session of ideas, laughter, and innovative problem-solving.

That afternoon, the room erupted into such positivity and dynamism it  literally attracted the attention of the entire office floor. The on-lookers weren’t frustrated at the noise, but instead were curious and clamouring to participate.

What happened?

It was a moment of connectedness and creativity, both of which are fundamental to our ability to thrive. In that moment, the room was able to bypass fear and hierarchy, to shed worry of what others might think, and to tap into courage, the common experience of being human.

In that moment, there was increased psychological safety, trust, and open communication- qualities that are fundamental to creating a sense of personal well-being (aka: happiness),  strong teamwork, innovation, and performance.

It became our vision and our mission.

Our vision is to bring about more humanity in the workplace and to help create workplaces that matter and make a difference, everyday, to everyone by connecting individuals to their most purpose-driven selves.

Our mission is to help develop powerful leaders and high-performance teams who care about the impact they make and the value they create at home, at work, and in the community.

How, you ask?

We tap into the best, most purpose-driven version of leaders and teams by creating an experience rooted in:

  • Creativity, purpose and PLAY! to help create connection and teamwork to help access one’s intrinsic motivation and full potential of one’s mind; and to surface heart, vision, innovative strategy and powerful execution.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) education and skills development, to foster the foundation for self-mastery; to build meaningful relationships to encourage collaboration; and to build success at the individual and team level. After all, IQ only accounts for 25% of one’s success. EQ makes up the rest.

  • Personal-Professional Leadership, to drive performance by taking the neuroscience of the Happiness Advantage and coupling it with the motivating power of purpose. 

We bring together the best in the business

  • ICF Global Award-Winning Coaches

  • MBA & tenured leaders

  • Organizational Development experts

  • HR professionals

  • Fun, feisty front-of-room facilitators


For a dynamic delivery of experiential learning and training, and the courageous pursuit of your greatest self, your business's growth, and your overall success.

Meet the Team!